Strategies For Farming WoW SoD Gold

By | April 30, 2024

Gold in WoW SoD is essential to creating gear, mounts, and other desired items. Gold can also be used to upgrade one’s equipment or level up professions. There are multiple strategies for farming gold in World of Warcraft (WoW). Some methods may be more efficient than others and require specific classes or play styles.


Herbalists can generate steady income by collecting in-game resources to sell on the auction house for profit. Herbs can be found throughout the zones, with nodes easily mapped using Find Herbs on the minimap. Tauren players gain an additional edge with Cultivation as a race trait which grants +15 Herbalism skill.

Rogues can utilize stealth and crowd control abilities to navigate territories and collect herbs without being discovered, providing an ideal method of wow season of discovery gold farming for those seeking both challenge and profit.


Gold in-game is essential to purchasing items to be sold at the Auction House, such as rare mounts, battle pets, transmog gear or crafting materials. Herbalism and Mining professions offer steady sources of in-game money by collecting resources that fetch high prices at the Auction House.

Wow classic season of discovery gold farming methods also include killing rare mobs in certain zones like the Barrens and Thousand Needles, such as Savannah lions or Bristleback tribe guards that drop valuable items or cloth that can be sold. Classes with excellent AoE skills – like mages – often excel at this method.


Patiently working this can be an excellent way to make wow classic season of discovery gold. Plus, it’s also very relaxing – perfect while waiting in queues for Dungeons or PvP!

Blizzard should consider this strategy when organizing events that enhance reputation gains such as Darkmoon Faire or seasonal holiday celebrations.

Skinning mobs that don’t fall under the category of “grunts” is an effective way to generate gold, such as Nightbane Vile Fang Worgens in Duskwood which can be skinned for heavy leather that sells for an impressive sum of gold.


With the right skills and strategies, it is possible to transform an abundance of herbs into potions and flasks with real value. Be sure to elevate your alchemy skill to create high-level recipes that produce more desirable concoctions.

Tailoring and alchemy offer two excellent opportunities for making gold in WoW Classic Season of Discovery. Bags are always in high demand; selling 14-slot Darkmoon Faire bags dropped from elite mobs for a substantial profit can make tailoring and alchemy especially lucrative investments.


Just like herbalism and mining, blacksmithing offers another excellent way to quickly make gold in WoW. Not only can players craft unique new gear for themselves through this profession; blacksmithing also helps the classic economy by giving players access to some amazing gear!

Blacksmithing provides players with the ability to add magical flourishes to their weapons, creating a visually striking aesthetic and offering additional damage protection against beasts.


Skinning is an excellent profession on Classic Servers for making money quickly. By combining it with Gathering professions like Herbalism or Mining, it can create an ongoing source of income – selling herbs, ores and skins at the Auction House can lead to significant returns!

Leatherworking offers great opportunities for DPS Fury Warriors, Hunters, Enhancement Shamans and Retribution Paladins alike. Furthermore, you could turn this talent into cooking mats for sale at a significant profit.

Flipping at the Auction House

Flipping at the auction house is a fantastic way to earn wow sod gold: Soldon. This involves purchasing underpriced items and then selling them back at their true market value for maximum profit.

One effective strategy to accomplish this goal is selling lower level reagents such as dusts and essence. Because players interested in learning enchanting often purchase these, their true value can often exceed that of their raw price.

These are just some of the strategies available to you when farming Wow Sod Gold in Discovery Phase 3, so get out there and show your profession off!

Gathering Reagents

Mages can excel in SoD by hunting down mobs to gather ingredients for their spells, Herbalism or Mining to gather reagents, or both!

Low-level rare Defias mobs drop valuable vendor trash and low-level materials that can be sold for gold, as well as some other mobs who drop such material.

Alchemists can generate significant gold earnings through farming for reagents like clams and murloc fins that fetch high prices at auction houses.


Consumable items are a primary revenue generator for many players. From raiding, PvP and leveling to selling at high prices – consumable items provide significant revenue opportunities. Effective farming routes can increase rare mob defeat and consequently the chance for valuable drops from mobs.

Early in the game, farming rare Defias for linen and wool cloth can be quite profitable; similarly for elemental reagents which are so desirable. Accomplishing this goal requires having an understanding of both neutral auction houses as well as mastering the art of sniping.